Oppdateringer fra juli, 2019 Vis/skjul kommentartråder | Tastatursnarveier

  • Andreas Lothe Opdahl 8:50 am - July 1, 2019 Permalenke | Svar  

    Andreas L Opdahl and Tareq Al-Moslmi presents at data and computational journalism conference 

    On July 1st, Andreas L Opdahl and Tareq Al-Moslmi participated at the 3rd
    European Data and Computational Journalism Conference (DataJConf) in Malaga, Spain, where Opdahl presented the joint short paper Detecting newsworthy events in a journalistic platform.

    Al-Moslmi, Tareq Abdo Abdullah; Gallofré Ocaña, Marc; Opdahl, Andreas Lothe; Tessem, Bjørnar (2019). Detecting newsworthy events in a journalistic platform. Short paper in Heravi, Bahareh R.; Chorley, Martin; Mottershead, Glyn: Proceedings of the 3rd European Data and Computational Journalism Conference, University College Dublin. http://hdl.handle.net/10197/11426

  • Andreas Lothe Opdahl 9:33 am - June 12, 2019 Permalenke | Svar  

    Andreas L Opdahl presents the project at Future Week 

    At Media City Bergen’s Future Week, Andreas L Opdahl presented the project News Angler – Discovering Unexpected Connections in the News .

  • Andreas Lothe Opdahl 2:26 pm - June 9, 2019 Permalenke | Svar  

    Paper presented at EMMSAD’2019 

    At EMMSAD 2019, co-located with CAiSE’19 in Rome, Andreas L Opdahl presented the paper Towards ontological support for journalistic angles, written jointly with Bjørnar Tessem.

    Abstract: Journalism relies more and more on information and communication technology (ICT). New journalistic ICT platforms continuously harvest potentially news-related information from the internet and try to make it useful for journalists. Because the information sources and formats vary widely, knowledge graphs are emerging as a preferred technology for integrating, enriching, and preparing journalistic information. The paper explores how journalistic knowledge graphs can be augmented with support for news angles, in order to help journalists detect newsworthy events and present them in ways that will interest the intended audience. We argue that finding newsworthy angles on news-related information is important as an example of a more general problem in information science: that of finding the most interesting events and situations in big data sets and presenting those events and situations in the most interesting ways.

    Opdahl, A. L., & Tessem, B. (2019). Towards ontological support for journalistic angles. In Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling (pp. 279-294). Springer, Cham.

  • Andreas Lothe Opdahl 2:46 pm - May 31, 2019 Permalenke | Svar  

    Paper presented at IEEE RCIS 2019 

    At the 13th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (IEEE RCIS 2019), May 29-31, 2019, Brussels, Belgium, Bjørnar Tessem presented the paper: Supporting journalistic news angles with models and analogies.

    Abstract: News angles are approaches to content presentation in journalism, where the journalist chooses which facts of an event to present. The News Angler project investigates how to computationally support the creation and selection of original news angles for a news event based on information from big data sources. At least two creative approaches are possible. One is to maintain a library of well-known news angles represented in a suitable modeling language, matching published reports on a current event to news angles in order to identify possible angles that have not yet been used. A second approach is not to represent news angles explicitly, instead matching the current event with previous events, and transferring angles from past to present reports by similarity and analogy. Both approaches are described and technologies needed to proceed in either direction are discussed.

    Tessem, B., & Opdahl, A. L. (2019, May). Supporting journalistic news angles with models and analogies. In 2019 13th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS) (pp. 1-7). IEEE.

  • Andreas Lothe Opdahl 9:35 am - March 29, 2019 Permalenke | Svar  

    Bjørnar Tessem presents News Angler at AI workshop at MCB 

    At an AI Workshop arranged by TV2 at Media City Bergen, Bjørnar Tessem gave the talk News Angler: Researching creativity support for journalism.

  • Andreas Lothe Opdahl 9:38 am - March 15, 2019 Permalenke | Svar  

    Bjørnar Tessem gives talk about creative AI in Stavanger 

    At AI Narrator: humanistiske perspektiver på automatiske fortellinger («humanistic perspectives on automated storytelling») in Stavanger, Bjørnar Tessem gave the talk: Kan kunstig intelligens vere kreativ? Eit informasjonsvitskapleg perspektiv på AI Narrator («Can artificial intelligence be creative? An information-scientific perspective on AI Narrator.»)

  • Andreas Lothe Opdahl 3:09 pm - December 15, 2018 Permalenke | Svar  

    Tareq Al-Moslmi new Post Doc in News Angler 

    Tareq has arrived in Bergen and will take up his position as Post-Doc in the News Angler project team 2019-2020.

  • Andreas Lothe Opdahl 2:35 pm - November 11, 2018 Permalenke | Svar  

    The News Angler group attends the Norwegian Big Data Symposium 

    In the late autumn of 2018, the project group attended the 4th Norwegian Big Data Symposium (NOBIDS 2018) in Trondheim to present our joint paper on our big data platform for news angles. Before the workshop, we had an internal 1-day seminar and, the day after, Opdahl attended the NxtMedia Conference also in Trondheim.

    Abstract: Finding good angles on news events is a central journalistic and editorial skill. As news work becomes increasingly computer-assisted and big-data based, journalistic tools therefore need to become better able to support news angles too. This paper outlines a big-data platform that is able to suggest appropriate angles on news events to journalists. We first clarify and discuss the central characteristics of news angles. We then proceed to outline a big-data architecture that can propose news angles. Important areas for further work include: representing news angles formally; identifying interesting and unexpected angles on unfolding events; and designing a big-data architecture that works on a global scale.

    Gallofré Ocaña, M., Nyre, L., Opdahl, A. L., Tessem, B., Trattner, C., & Veres, C. (2019). Towards a big data platform for news angles. In Proceedings of the 4th Norwegian Big Data Symposium (NOBIDS 2018) in conjunction with NxtMedia Conference (NxtMedia 2018), Trondheim, Norway, November 14, 2018. CEUR Workshop Proceedings , Vol. 2316.

  • Andreas Lothe Opdahl 2:54 pm - September 20, 2018 Permalenke | Svar  

    Early News Hunter prototype presented nationally 

    At the national Norwegian IS conference NOKOBIT 2018 in Svalbard, September 18th-20th, Andreas L Opdahl presented the paper News Hunter: building and mining knowledge graphs for newsroom systems, which describes an early version of the News Hunter prototype.

    Berven, A., Christensen, O. A., Moldeklev, S., Opdahl, A. L., & Villanger, K. J. (2018). News Hunter: building and mining knowledge graphs for newsroom systems. NOKOBIT, 26, 1-11.

  • Andreas Lothe Opdahl 3:07 pm - August 20, 2018 Permalenke | Svar  

    Marc Gallofré Ocaña arrives in Bergen 

    Marc will joint the News Angler project team as a PhD candidate, expected to deliver his thesis by August 2022.

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