Paper presented at IEEE RCIS 2019

At the 13th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (IEEE RCIS 2019), May 29-31, 2019, Brussels, Belgium, Bjørnar Tessem presented the paper: Supporting journalistic news angles with models and analogies.

Abstract: News angles are approaches to content presentation in journalism, where the journalist chooses which facts of an event to present. The News Angler project investigates how to computationally support the creation and selection of original news angles for a news event based on information from big data sources. At least two creative approaches are possible. One is to maintain a library of well-known news angles represented in a suitable modeling language, matching published reports on a current event to news angles in order to identify possible angles that have not yet been used. A second approach is not to represent news angles explicitly, instead matching the current event with previous events, and transferring angles from past to present reports by similarity and analogy. Both approaches are described and technologies needed to proceed in either direction are discussed.

Tessem, B., & Opdahl, A. L. (2019, May). Supporting journalistic news angles with models and analogies. In 2019 13th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS) (pp. 1-7). IEEE.